Always Something New

Find Affordable, Fun Gadgets

There is always something new and interesting to be found here.

I am the "Gadget Girl', and I won't apologize. I am a gadget addict, health nut, mom, gramma, writer, and web developer.  

When I find something that I am passionate over, I build a site about it.  After working online for over a quarter of a century now, who wouldn't write about it...right?

So here we will always find something new here, so check back often.

Affordable Gadgets


Always wanted a drone but didn't have the knowhow or money for high-technology equipment?  The Quadcopter is a great option for the first time buyer.  Takes pictures and video, and can be transmitted via Wifi.

This Heated Vest charges with a USB charger and stays hot for about 8 hours. It's washable and great for anyone in the cold weather for camping, cycling, skiing, and other outdoor activities.

The Kilner Vintage Glass Butter Churn helps you do what you always said you wanted to do...make your own butter. In less than ten minutes you can follow this easy recipe to making your own organic butter at home.


Are you afraid to touch your own soap dispenser due to fear of the germs?  Here is your solution. This is a touches dispenser that works on infrared motion sensors.  The Elechok Soap Dispenser is now available in the the newest, upgraded version of Stainless Steel.

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