Pressure Can Green Beans

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Have you decided to pressure can green beans?  This year I am canning in an Instant Pot Max and my Presto Digital Canner. 

My grandmother and I (and I'm pushing 70 now) used to sit on the porch, snap the beans, wash them at the well-house, then I would help in the kitchen while she canned them. However, gramma said water bath canning green beans were less reliable, and green beans were hard to can as they were first to go sour if they weren't canned right. She used the 'big canner' to pressure can her green beans. They were always safe and kept well.

As a disabled person, I now can't lift my 'All American' canner (never used), let alone put jars of food and water in it. These electric ones are small enough (and pretty) to keep on my counter and scoot around where needed.


I canned Royal Burgundy Beans and got two quarts from my first little harvest. I also ended up canning carrots that day.  They just came out of the canner and still bubbling hot.

I follow the safe canning guidelines at the National Center for Home Food Preservation, and at Presto for my Digital.

The best Pressure Canners I can recommend are pictured below. 

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